Most sweeteners are often use in small amounts. As they are several times sweeter than sugar and also reduce the energy it receives to the body. Which sweeteners that many people may have heard of such as aspartame, saccharin and stevia sugar. This article will take you to know more about sugar substitutes, both types, benefits and limitations in use.
Types of sweeteners instead of sugar
At present, sweeteners that are popular to replace sugar can be divided into 2 types as follows:
1. Sweetener instead of sugar for energy
Sweeteners in this category are often sugar alcohols (polyols), which are still energy sweeteners. But given in relatively low amounts and absorbed more slowly than normal sugar. E might help prevent the sacristy hyperglycemia. Suddenly after eating This is a dangerous condition in people with diabetes. In addition, sugar alcohol does not cause tooth decay as well. Both in food and use, such as sugarless chewing gum, candy, ice cream, jam, liquid medicine, lozenge, toothpaste and mouthwash.
Examples of sweeteners in the sugar alcohol category are:
- Sorbitol
- Xylitol
- Isomalt
- Mannitol
- Maltitol
- Erythritol
2. Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sugars are synthetic sweeteners. There are many varieties, each with different uses and limitations. Most of them are hundreds of times sweeter than sugar. It is therefore use in very small quantities and makes drinks or foods low in energy. Currently, for some products that contain less than 0.5 grams of sugar, the Food and Drug Administration may allow them to be labeled as zero-calorie or zero-calorie products.
Examples of artificial sweeteners include:
- Aspartame is 180–200 times sweeter than sugar. When heated, it can have a bitter taste. And do not use it in people with phenylketonuria (Phenylketonuria), a type of metabolic disease
- Saccharin is 200–700 times sweeter than sugar and can be slightly bitter.
- Sucralose is 600 times sweeter than water, with a sugar-like flavor. They can often be use in hot food. There is no bad bitter taste.
- Stevioside at (Stevioside) or sugar, stevia to 150-300 times sweeter than sugar tolerate heat well.
Although artificial sugars do not provide energy or are very low energy. But it should be eat in proper amount to prevent side effects from use.
The use of sweeteners instead of sugar in diabetics
People with diabetes are people who need to control the blood sugar level at the appropriate level. The intake of sugars and starches in the carbohydrate group can affect blood sugar levels, so to limit their intake of nutrients, some diabetics may choose to use a sweetener instead of low-calorie sugars. In cooking to reduce the amount of sugar that can be obtained. This may improve blood sugar control and reduce the risk of complications caused by hyperglycemia.
However, different people with diabetes may have different restrictions on their use of the sweetener. Therefore, it is important to consult with your doctor about the appropriate type of sweetener and dosage. Risks and precautions People with diabetes should also consider carbohydrates from other sources in their meals.
Are sugar substitutes safe?
Studies in people without health problems who use the right amount of sweeteners instead of sugar are often harmless. The manufacturer group’s experimental results said that these products would not accumulate in the body. It does not cause allergic reactions or have a negative effect on the body.
Does not affect the reproductive system It does not cause disease or any side effects to health, however, although the manufacturer claims that these products are not harmful. But for safety. Should be eat in moderation. Especially those who have underlying disease or are undergoing treatment. It has been report that taking high doses of sorbitol and mannitol can lead to bloating and diarrhea. If eaten in excess, it can cause negative effects.
In terms of consumption Of course, a low-energy diet or drink from using a sugar substitute may be better than getting the same amount of regular sugar drinks. But with this advantage, it may adversely affect eating habits. Stimulating the urge to eat more often This is a behavior that may be vulnerable to some health problems that the study has not yet discovered.
Additionally, sweeteners may not always taste the same as sugar. Some species, when exposed to heat, may have a bitter and unnatural taste. Or some products contain a mix of sweeteners Therefore, it is important to study information and ingredients of that product before choosing to buy and eat. Also choose a sweetener that is suitable for the food to be cook to avoid unpleasant taste.